Specialties - Financial Forecasting and Modeling, EOS, Management Reporting, Jirav Certified
Process Design - Onboarding, Monthly Closes, Monthly Financial Meetings, and Course Development
Specialties - Financial Modeling, IOLTA Disaster Recoveries and Remediation, IOLTA Compliance, Process Development, Onboarding, Workflow Management
Practice Areas - Accounting Expertise for Hourly and Contingency Law Firms
Case Management Software - Clio Manage Certified, Clio Grow Certified, Clio Billing, MyCase, Practice Panther, QuickBooks Online
Specialties - Financial Accounting, Forecast and Budget Modeling, IOLTA Compliance
Practice Areas - Accounting Expertise for Family Law, Elder Law, Estate Planning Law, Criminal Defense Law, Environmental Law
Case Management Software - Clio Manage Certified, ActionStep, QuickBooks Online
Specialties - Financial Accounting, Forecast and Budget Modeling, IOLTA Compliance
Practice Areas - Accounting Expertise for Contingency and Personal Injury Firms, Immigration Firms, Criminal Defense Firms
Case Management Software - Soluno Certified, Clio Manage Certified, Clio Grow Certified, Filevine, CloudLex, QuickBooks
Specialties - Financial Accounting, Forecast and Budget Modeling, IOLTA Compliance
Practice Areas - Accounting Expertise for Personal Injury Law, IP/Patent Law, Real Estate Law, Family Law, Contingency Firms, Hourly Firms
Case Management Software - Clio Manage Certified, Clio Billing, Soluno Certified, FileVine, QuickBooks
Specialties - Financial Accounting, Forecast and Budget Modeling, IOLTA Compliance
Practice Areas - Accounting Expertise for Immigration Law, Family Law, Estate Planning Firms, Criminal Defense Law, Intellectual Property Law
Case Management Software - ActionStep, Clio, MyCase, Practice Panther, QuickBooks
Specialties - Financial Accounting, Forecast and Budget Modeling, IOLTA Compliance
Practice Areas - Accounting Expertise for Immigration Law, Family Law, Elder Law, SpEd Law, Criminal Defense Law
Case Management Software - Clio, MyCase, QuickBooks Online
Specialties - Financial Accounting, Forecast and Budget Modeling, IOLTA Compliance
Practice Areas - Accounting Expertise for Immigration Law, Elder Law, Immigration Law, Personal Injury/Contingency Firms, Real Estate Law, HOA Enforcement & Litigation
Case Management Software - Clio Manage Certified, Clio Grow Certified, MyCase, QuickBooks
Specialties - Financial Accounting, Forecast and Budget Modeling, IOLTA Compliance
Practice Areas - Accounting Expertise for Family Law, Corporate Law, Criminal Defense Law, Estate Planning Law, Immigration Law, Bankruptcy Law
Case Management Software - Clio Manage Certified, Clio Grow Certified, Clio Billing, MyCase, Practice Panther, QuickBooks Online
Specialties - Financial Accounting, Forecast and Budget Modeling, IOLTA Compliance
Practice Areas - Accounting Expertise for Personal Injury/Contingency Firms, Employment Law, Family Law
Case Management Software - Clio, Clio Personal Injury, Filevine, Neos, Soluno, MyCase, CloudLex, QuickBooks Online
Specialties - Financial Accounting, Forecast and Budget Modeling, IOLTA Compliance
Practice Areas - Accounting Expertise for Immigration, Employment Law, Family Law, Special Education Law
Case Management Software - Clio, QuickBooks Online, Caret
Specialties - Financial Accounting, Forecast and Budget Modeling, IOLTA Compliance
Practice Areas - Accounting Expertise for Personal Injury/Contingency Firms, Family Law
Case Management Software - Clio Manage Certified, Clio Grow Certified, QuickBooks Online, Smokeball
Specialties - Financial Accounting, Forecast and Budget Modeling, IOLTA Compliance
Practice Areas - Accounting Expertise for Personal Injury/Contingency Firms
Case Management Software - Soluno, CloudLex, QuickBooks Online
Specialties - Financial Accounting, Forecast and Budget Modeling, IOLTA Compliance
Practice Areas - Accounting Expertise for Personal Injury Law, Real Estate Law, Family Law, Contingency Firms, Hourly Firms
Case Management Software - Clio, QuickBooks Online, Soluno
Specialties - Financial Accounting, Forecast and Budget Modeling, IOLTA Compliance
Practice Areas - Accounting Expertise for Environmental Law, Non-Profit Law
Case Management Software - Clio, QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Desktop
Specialties: Financial Accounting, Forecast and Budget Modeling, IOLTA Compliance
Practice Areas: Accounting Expertise for Personal Injury Law, Criminal Defense Law, Family Law
Case Management Software: QuickBooks Online, Clio
Specialties - Financial Accounting, Forecast and Budget Modeling, IOLTA Compliance
Practice Areas - Accounting Expertise for Personal Injury/Contingency Firms, Estate Planning Law, Family Law, Healthcare Law
Case Management Software - Clio, Actionstep, Bill4Time, Cosmolex, Rocket Matter, QuickBooks, Xero
Specialties - Financial Accounting, Forecast and Budget Modeling, IOLTA Compliance, IOLTA Disaster Recoveries
Practice Areas - Accounting Expertise for Personal Injury/Contingency Firms
Case Management Software - Clio Manage Certified, Clio Grow Certified, Soluno, ProLaw, QuickBooks, Xero
Specialties - Financial Accounting, Forecast and Budget Modeling, IOLTA Compliance
Practice Areas - Accounting Expertise for Criminal Defense Law, Family Law
Case Management Software - Clio, MyCase, Practice Panther, QuickBooks Online
Specialties - Financial Accounting, Forecast and Budget Modeling, IOLTA Compliance
Practice Areas - Accounting Expertise for Family Law, Immigration Law, Probate Law, Employment Law
Case Management Software - Clio, QuickBooks Online
Specialties - Payroll report and tax return archiving, Payroll accounting entries, Accounting support
Case Management Software - Soluno, QuickBooks Online
Specialties - Data imports, Financial Accounting, Forecast and Budget Modeling, IOLTA Compliance
Case Management Software - Clio, MyCase, ActionStep, QuickBooks
Specialties - Payroll report and tax return archiving, Payroll accounting entries, Accounting support
Case Management Software - Clio, MyCase, QuickBooks
Specialties - Content Creation, Payroll report and tax return archiving, Payroll accounting entries, Accounting support
Case Management Software - Clio, QuickBooks
Specialties - Payroll report and tax return archiving, Payroll accounting entries, Accounting support
Case Management Software - Clio, MyCase, Soluno, QuickBooks Online
Specialties - Payroll report and tax return archiving, Payroll accounting entries, Accounting support
Case Management Software - Clio, QuickBooks