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Single Matter Trust Ledger Report in Soluno

Single Matter Trust Ledger Report in Soluno
Single Matter Trust Ledger Report in Soluno
Written by
Paul W Carlson, CPA
Published on
Dec 13, 2023

Paul W. Carlson, CPA (00:00):

Now that we have all of our trust account deposits and withdrawals posted, wanted to walk through a suggested workflow for the check signing process. So the workflow we've walked through is we've recorded all the deposits, we've created all the checks, we posted the EFTs. The next step is to take everything to the partner and have the partner review and sign those trust checks. So the next piece in this series is to print a client ledger report for the matter. The idea is we're going to print a report out of Soluno and use the Soluno report to help verify that all the trust account activities is correct, that the report will list all activity and it's also going to show that the ending trust account balance is zero that we want. It just helps to verify that our calculations are correct. So let's jump over to Soluno.


So to run the report, we go views and reports, contact ledger. We're going to use this view ledger trust. We want the full history for the file, so no start and end date. And then the file, we're just going to search for the file we want to see details on, hit go and we run the report. And so from this we can see our deposits, we can see our disbursements, we can see that the trust balance goes to zero after making all the disbursements. And here we also have a little summary that shows we have a $100,000 in receipts, $100,000 in disbursements, and our ending balance is zero. That this provides a nice summary of all the trust account activity on the matter. And it helps tie out that we have dispersed all of the funds that we have received. And so I would print this report and then take this check that needs a signature and all of the other supporting documents the managing partner wants and just bring this in and allow them to sign the checks and we can wrap up the file. Thanks much.