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Leads Report from Clio Grow - Introduction

Leads Report from Clio Grow - Introduction
Leads Report from Clio Grow - Introduction
Written by
Paul W Carlson, CPA
Published on
Dec 12, 2023

Paul W. Carlson, CPA (00:02):

Hey, this is Paul Carlson, CPA with Law Firm Velocity.We're making a series of videos that... Hi, this is Paul Carlson, CPA with LawFirm Velocity. We're making a series of videos that discuss how to use a leadreport in driving firm revenue. So this first video is going to talk about theintroduction to the report and how to use the report. The second video is goingto show how to edit Clio Grow settings to provide the report. And in the thirdvideo is going to be an Excel Magic video that will show how to clean up thegiant export that comes out of Clio Grow into this report. So we have anexample report where we have three leads and just a summary of the status ofthe lead and details on where the lead came from. So the idea of this report isto actively monitor the number of leads that come into the firm and exactlywhere the leads came from.


Field, so lead type, this is the type of the lead. They'regoing to be Google ads, AVO ads, referrals, returning clients, direct outreach.It's just how did the type of category of the lead, the lead source is going tobe a person or further detail associated with the lead type. So if we have aGoogle ad and we're very detailed with our tracking, maybe we want to know thatthis lead came from a specific campaign. Returning client usually doesn't havea lead source, for referrals, that the lead source is the person who made thereferral into the firm. Originator, this is the person who did something withinthe firm to generate the lead. So Google ad, usually there's not someone insidethe firm that's going to get credit because it's just an overall firm process,for a returning client that sometimes there will be an associate within thefirm that either worked with a client closely or chose to follow up withsomething, and from that created an additional matter.


So we're going to give them credit. And then others, ifit's referral based marketing that someone within the firm is activelymaintaining relationships with referral partners, and so they will get creditas the lead originator. Lead status notes, so this is where we're going to keeptrack of little notes and details on the specific lead. So example here is forGoogle Ads, we want to use some sort of tool to objectively track where thelead came from. So one tool firms will use as CallRail, and with that tool youget specific landing pages and specific phone numbers that we can use toidentify exactly where the lead came from. Created is the date that the leadwas created within Clio Grow. And then here's our matter status. And so this iswhere this lead, we've already won the work. These two leads are in process,and then primary contact is the client associated with the lead.


So now that we have this detail, what do we do with it? Sothe first step is we want to look at the report weekly with a couple ofdifferent lenses. So one, we want to look at this report and make sure that allof the lead source data is correct, that getting this detail is a pain. And soit's very easy to forget or people will skip tracking this detail. And whathappens is it'll be a couple months later, the firm is in a marketing slump andno one knows where leads have come from or what's going on, to understand whyleads have slowed. And then we try to dig into this and the data's missing. Andso now you're flying blind that you don't have that history to understand whereyou are. So we want someone to create this report for us every week.


Whoever's responsible for sales and marketing within thefirm should review this report to make sure that all this detail is here. Onceyou can consistently get the report with the detail, then you want to startchallenging leads that don't look right. So on this Google Ad campaign, say, Idon't think that this really came from CallRail. Can you show me the detail orgive me some backup to prove that that's right. So consistently challenge theaccuracy of this report to make sure that people just aren't taking shortcutsand entering things that are easy. So we're getting current and correct data.Next step is to monitor open leads. So you would create a different version ofthis report. So it's only going to include leads that are an open status, andmaybe you would calculate an age that would subtract today's date from thecreated date.


So it would tell you that this lead is seven days old andthen this lead is maybe 15 days old. And if that makes sense or not, you canstart to pursue the leads that are getting stale. Idea is we don't want leadsto go into the system, no one follows up and the client just falls off.Especially if you read some of the Clio statistics on law firm follow-up thatso many leads just go unanswered after a week that we can certainly do betterthan that.


The other thing you want to keep an eye on every week isjust the win and loss detail that, look for trends, is there somethinghappening where we're losing more leads that it just doesn't make sense? And sowe need to go back and push into the system. Then the monthly uses are, we'regoing to have a bigger bucket of this that we want to start taking a look at.ROI on paid advertising that in working with firms, one of our favorite picklesis a firm will turn on Google Ads and they'll pay a couple thousand dollars amonth for Google Ads, but no one will really objectively measure if those adsare actually bringing in good leads.


And so now it's been a year, we've spent $20,000 on GoogleAds, and now we want to start asking like, well, are they doing anything? Andwe don't know. So then we have to turn on tracking and pay for the ads forthree more months and then see if it's really helping or not. So if there's anysort of paid advertising campaigns, you want a very clean objective processthrough CallRail or Phone Wagon or some other tool to know exactly which leadsyou're getting from that process and then run those leads through a CRM so youcan understand exactly your outcomes from each lead. And so if AdWords isworking great for your firm, we want to go ahead and turn up the ads andgenerate more leads. If they're not working, we want to turn those ads offpretty quick and try something else.


For a lot of firms should have a good volume of returningclients that if the firm does good work and the firm is doing our newsletterand other follow-up to stay in front of the client that we should be gettingreturning clients, we should be getting work from returning clients or weshould be getting client referrals. And so this will tell us if we're stayingin front of our clients and if we're providing a good service where peoplewere, prior clients are comfortable with the firm to introduce other friends,come back for additional work. If the firm is doing referral marketing, soMadeline talks to person D on a consistent, consistent basis, has a cadence inplace where we're doing our six to eight touch points every year to maintainthat relationship.


We want to make sure that we're getting leads from thatconnection. And if we're not, we might want to interact with a person last orgo back and talk with that referral partner to see what's going on. So thisgives us clear feedback on the number of referrals we're getting from eachreferral partner. Then finally, we want to use this report to monitor associatemarketing results. Some firms will expect associates to generate their ownleads with this. We can objectively track the number of leads each associate isgenerating each week and each month. That is just really easy to hireassociates. They'll say, yes, I want to do marketing, I'll do businessdevelopment.


But then it really doesn't pan out that without this typeof objective tracking, it can be a couple of years later before we realize thatthis associate is getting paid based on generating their own work, but they'renot, and so their compensation is off. And with that, this is an introductionof how to use this leads report. Follow up interviews, or follow up videos willbe on how to set up Clio Grow and then how to edit the file. Thanks. Bye-Bye.