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Colorado IOLTA Trust Account Resources

This post outlines key resources for managing Colorado IOLTA accounts and recommends keeping at least $100 of firm funds in these accounts to cover fees.
Colorado IOLTA Trust Account Resources
Written by
Paul W Carlson, CPA
Published on
Mar 2, 2021

Navigating Colorado's IOLTA trust account requirements can be intricate. This post points you to essential resources including Rule 1.15 of The Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct, the Colorado Lawyer Trust Account Foundation (COLTAF), and bank account enrollment forms. We also clarify that administrative or firm funds are permitted in Colorado IOLTA accounts and recommend keeping a minimum of $100 in these accounts to offset any service charges or bounced check fees.

Colorado IOLTA account requirements are detailed in Rule 1.15 of The Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct.

Colorado Lawyer Trust Account Foundation COLFAT

Administrative or firm funds are allowed in Colorado IOLTA accounts.

  • Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct 1.15 Safekeeping Property (g) “A lawyer may deposit funds reasonably sufficient to pay anticipated service charges or other fees for maintenance or operation of such account into trust accounts. Such funds shall be clearly identified in the lawyer’s records of the account.”
  • As a starting point, we suggest keeping at least $100 of firm funds even in low volume IOLTA accounts to cover bounced check fees.